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Task 1: Research Portfolio

Learning Outcome 1 (U20): Know how existing advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media.
Learning Outcome 1 (U24): Understand the products that are produced within and across media industries.

Task 1: Text

Interpretation of Client Brief

From the client brief, we understand that Carter Soft Drinks require an advertising campaign for their latest fizzy drink, ‘Berry Blitz’. The drink tastes of strawberry laces and the liquid is red. This drink is only to be sold in cans, aiming at a retro audience of 30’s who mostly had cans when young as well as major audience of teenagers aged 13-18. The campaign needs to include a billboard advert, magazine advert and a video advert as well as ideas for the other elements of the campaign that will be shown on Facebook, website and on their page. Carter Soft Drinks hope the campaign will go viral. The project has gone out to tender and companies are being invited to bid for the contract by providing a research portfolio demonstrating their understanding of different products that are produced within and across media industries, and how existing advertising campaigns embed adverts across a range of products.

Task 1: Text

    Existing Media Campaigns

Task 1: Text

Fanta Orange

Task 1: Image

Aims and Objectives

For this advert the aim and objective is to mainly attract more customers across the UK and Ireland and increase the sales of the product, the Fanta Orange. I believe if this advert was successful and was to bring more customers along with revenue and profit, the money made could be put towards distribution and production of the product. The advert was shown between shows on nickelodeon as the target audience was mainly a young audience, the advertisement was also shown on music channels.

Task 1: Text

Target Audience

Based off of the adverts presented for the Fanta Orange, It is to my belief that the primary target audience for this product are students / teenagers of both genders, this is categorised as NRS Social grade E. And the secondary target audience may well be middle aged, categorised as NRS Social grade C2DE. The choice of the cans colour is gender neutral which suggests that the product does not lean towards any gender and is for everyone.

Task 1: Text
Task 1: Video

Key message

The key message for the Fanta Orange advertisements is to promote the drink so customers go to a shop near them and purchase it. Another key message that is conveyed in the television advert (shown above) is that drinking Fanta Orange is trendy and that it not only boosts your mood, but it gives you energy. The advert is trying to tell the audience that the drink has a same effect on everyone as the taste is a consistent in every can.  

Task 1: Text


Based on review and opinions, the advertisement takes a funky approach to gain the audience’s attention. They do this by using bright colours and an animation editing design. The bright colours and comedy in the advert will make the advertisement a lot easier to remember to everyone who comes across it. The use of social media is also used in the advertisement, mainly Instagram. This will make the advert associated with the young target audience and promotes social media; it also conveys that the only way we are able to interact with each other is through social media.

Task 1: Text


There is a representation of a stereotype that the primary target audience of students / young adults (NRS Social grade E) believe social media to be a lifestyle. The advert contains people of all ages and ethnicities, a young white female and a young black female fist-bumping during the advert shows not only friendship but equality.  

Task 1: Text

Campaign Logistics

The 'Fanta | It's An Orange Thing' advert was released on July 15th 2019, Fanta may have released the advert at this specific time because in the United Kingdom, the target audience of teenagers / young adults will either be at the beginning of summer break or just about to start their summer break. Students typically tend to use social media more than adults therefore during the summer break the use of social media will be at its peak, due to this Fanta created a Snapchat filter in an attempt to promote their product.

Task 1: Text

Choice of Media

Fanta used a range of methods to promote their product such as:

-TV adverts

-Snapchat filters



-Sponsored Instagram posts.

There are many advantages that can boost the amount of views from this form of traditional advertising. It will reach the target audience as they typically are the primary consumers of social media, the billboards will be placed in larger cities which will be surrounded by universities and workplaces which allows the advert to be seen by the secondary target audience.

Task 1: Image
fanta billboard.jpg
Task 1: Image

Call to Action

Customers have the ability to get involved with the campaigns via the heavy use of social media used within the advertisements, for example: using the ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ feature on YouTube, spreading around the ‘#ItsAThing’ on Twitter, commenting on sponsored Instagram and Facebook posts making it able for people to voice their opinion, etc. The brand also uses UGC (User Generated Content) Fans can enter the Adult Swim “How to Draw” Fanta t-shirt design contest, add to the Fandom x Fanta digital art mosaic by creating their own “It’s A Thing” inspired tile, and post to Instagram and PicsArt using custom Fanta “It’s A Thing” filters. 

Task 1: Text

Relevant Legal and Ethical issues

In terms of legal and ethical issues there doesn’t seem to be any problems as the advertisement represents racial equality and there is a range of ages throughout the ad.

Task 1: Text

Regulatory Bodies

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA): ASA are the UK’s independent advertising regulator; this means that ASA ensure that all advertisements across the media in the UK stick to the advertising rules (known as the advertising codes)  

The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP): CAP is the sister organisation to ASA, only CAP are responsible for writing the Advertising Codes.  

Task 1: Text


Task 1: Text
Task 1: Video

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the advertisement was to attract more customers whilst bringing light to a situation during a time of restlessness and controversy. Due to how viral the advertisement was, controversial or not I believe that the company could have used the profit and revenue to expand their distribution methods. The company used celebrity endorsement (Kendall Jenner) to attract the primary target audience of young adults / students. I believe they specifically chose Kendall Jenner as she is seen as a representative for the younger generation, despite opinions of her and her family from the older generation.

Task 1: Text

Target Audience

As portrayed in their slogan ‘Live for now’ and the main cast of the advertisement being teenagers / young adults the primary target audience is shown to be students / young adults (NRS Social grade E) and the secondary target audience to be NRS Social grade C2DE. 

Task 1: Text

Key Messages

Despite the controversial backlash received after the release of the advertisement, the initial message was to bring peace between the authorities and the participants of a peaceful protest; by offering an officer a can of Pepsi. The advertisement was brought out at a time of hardship between the authorities and citizens of the United States. Titan Web Marketing Solution believe that the ad is 'tone deaf' and it capitalizes 'on a serious issue in order to sell soda'.

Task 1: Text


Pepsi took a rather unique approach towards this advertisement as they not only address the serious matter of protests, but they also use celebrity endorsement as young model and idol to many teenagers / young adults is the focus of the advert, this of course being Kendall Jenner. The advertisement went viral for both good and bad reasons, but no matter what it still gained publicity from the media.

Task 1: Text


The protesters in the advertisement are portrayed as peaceful and happy as they voice themselves in front of the authorities, the authorities are shown to be non-violent as they stand and watch over the protest with neutral facial expressions. That is of course until they are offered a can of Pepsi, which then lifts the officers' spirits.

Task 1: Text

Campaign Logistics

The advertisement was aired on April 4th 2017, this is around the time that there were many protests and rally's surrounding the election of Donald Trump.  

Task 1: Text

Choice of Media

Pepsi used a range of advertisement techniques, for example the celebrity endorsement of Kendall Jenner would guarantee new customers through sponsored Instagram posts and the famous Jenner – Kardashian family also ‘repost’ and ‘retweet’ Kendall’s collaboration with Pepsi. 

Task 1: Text

Call to Action

Customers have the ability to get involved with the campaigns via the heavy use of social media used within the advertisements, for example: using the ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ feature on YouTube, commenting on sponsored Instagram and Facebook posts making it able for people to voice their opinion, etc.

Task 1: Text

Relevant Legal and Ethical issues

In terms of legal and ethical issues there doesn’t seem to be many problems as the advertisement represents racial equality and diversity, there doesn’t appear to be many middle aged – elderly in the advertisement which could make an impact on the selling towards the secondary target audience.

Task 1: Text

Regulatory Bodies

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA): ASA are the UK’s independent advertising regulator; this means that ASA ensure that all advertisements across the media in the UK stick to the advertising rules (known as the advertising codes)  

The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP): CAP is the sister organisation to ASA, only CAP are responsible for writing the Advertising Codes.  

Task 1: Text

M1 U20 - Evaluate different cross media advertising campaigns for consistency of message


Task 1: Text

P1 U24 - Describes the media products for the advertising industry

Task 1: Text
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CGI (Computer Generated  Image)

Task 1: Image
fanta CGI.PNG

Over the years, technology has had to find ways to advance and adapt itself to keep up with the continuous improvement of modern-day technology. Computer Generated Imagery is the application of computer graphics. CGI is used in video games, advertisements, movies, simulators, TV shows...

Task 1: Image


Print adverts would initially be found in newspapers and posters throughout a city or town. Print advertisement is the most traditional form of advertisement as in the decade of release mobile phones and

fanta first ad.jpg
Task 1: Image
Task 1: Text
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